No Mud, No Lotus

The lotus is a symbol for the crown chakra, Sahasrahra. It is the thousand petaled lotus representing infinite, divine consciousness. There is a saying that goes, ‘No mud, no lotus,’ referring to the conditions under which the water lily’s blossoms rise up from its roots deep below in the muck.

We all have our share of muck, no matter our life circumstances. The lotus is a reminder that without the muck, without challenges and suffering, we would not be able to blossom. Ancient teachings instruct that it is indeed our suffering that provides the conditions for spiritual growth. No one, of course, needs to go about creating suffering for themselves. Plenty of suffering finds its way to each and every one of us. The key is to recognize that when we suffer, when we are in the muck, the conditions are ripe for growth. Therefore, we practice being present and awake for the lessons inherent in our suffering, and to know that our struggles are truly opportunity. So when you are suffering, examine it. Don’t run away from it. Be curious about the true nature of it. What is causing your suffering? The answer lies within. Go deep and be stalwart. Try not to worry if it is not clear or if you do not fully master it this round. The lesson will keep coming back to you, and eventually, the lotus will blossom.